Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC [CGPA 3.59/4]
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution


College has a learning management application named 'campus canvas’ provided by ‘'. In addition to the teaching and learning process, it enables facilitation for administration, academic planning and implementation, and research. It is focused on online learning content delivery and acting as a platform for resource hub for various skill-based courses. The college makes use of the ''campus canvas' to share the day-to-day assignments and other students’ engagements including video, power point slides, and documents. It provides separate login for Admin, Faculty and Student. Other major features provided by ‘campus canvas’ are:

  • An interactive forum for students to download study materials & videos uploaded by faculties and doubt solving session on programmes any time anywhere.
  • Monitor daily attendance and generates consolidated reports of attendance.
  • Student and parents can track student's attendance, grades, notices etc
  • Hostel structure with graphical view of room occupancy. Fees tracking, Penalties and Allocation of Hostel rooms in easy interface.
  • Feedback based on curriculum, institute, programme evaluation on teachers, seminars, extension activities etc. is given by the students and incorporated in the college website.
  • Online collection of feedback to improve performance and generates consolidated feedback report.
  • Online MCQ, Continuous Internal Assessment, Online assignment, and Attainment of Exam
  • Digitalized discussion forum with the to address their personal, academical and psychological issues.
  • Upload Direct and Indirect Assessment framework mapped to PO and CO.
Link : Campu Technology