Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC [CGPA 3.59/4]
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

School of Distance Education

School Of Distance Education

The School of Distance Education (SDE) of Bharathiar University was established during the Academic Year 1991- 92 and Distance Education Bureau (DEB) as provisionally recognized all courses conducted by SDE vide its letter “FNo. DEC / 9909 / 2009 / dt. 17.12.2009. The school has limited its operation for the obvious reason of strengthening its base to provide quality education. Having realized the objective, the school has started extending its action by identifying and approving Learner Support Centers throughout the Tamandu to help achieve a higher gross enrolment ratio and higher literacy rate. The school at present has 47 Learner Support Centers spreading all-over Tamandu and the numbers steadily increasing as more and more evince interest in starting Learner Support Centers.

The Nilgiri College of Arts and Science got the approval for the Learning Support Center (LSC-132) in the year 2017 -18. Students from different states places are currently enrolled for different programmes.

Admission Procedure

Students can apply by filling the application form and have to submit the original certificates for the document verification


  • On receipt of the communication of provisional admission, the applicant must submit all the required certificates in original for verification.
  • After verifying the original certificates, the admission will be confirmed.
  • All original certificates will be returned immediately after scrutiny.
  • If the certificates are not received within a month, candidates can represent the matter directly to the Director


  • Enrolment Number will be assigned to the students at the time of provisional admission.


  • An identity card will be issued on provisional admission. This is valid for the entire duration of the course.


  • Study materials will be issued to the candidate in person or to the authorized person by submitting a requisition letter from the candidate along with the ID


  • PCP will be conducted for the admitted students based on the class strength.

University examinations are conducted twice a year in May/June and December /January at specified examination centers.

Computer-generated examination application forms will be sent by post and examination schedule will be uploaded in University website and also sent directly to eligible students from the office of the Controller of Examinations (SDE), Bharathiar University. After furnishing the required information as per the instruction and affixing the signature in the places earmarked on the application, the filled-in application forms should be sent directly to the Controller of Examinations on or before the stipulated date.

The student appearing for the examination for the first time should register his/her name for all the subjects by remitting the prescribed fee. Candidates can appear for the arrear subjects by registering for the same as per the instruction given in the computer-generated application forms and payment of the fee thereof on. The Examination fee should be paid in the form of Bank Challan or Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Bharathiar University, payable at Coimbatore & the exam application along with the fee should be sent to the COE, Bharathiar University.

Examination Centers will be intimated to the students hosted in the University Website by the Controller of Examinations and the students should specify their opted center of examination in the space provided in the computer-generated application form. Students will not be permitted to change their examination centers once the examination applications are submitted. Students can also apply options for anyone of the examination centers given irrespective of the study center in which they are enrolled.

Students shall collect their hall tickets for the examination from the Chief Superintendent of the examination center opted, on submission of their identity cards during the three working days before the commencement of the examinations

UG Programmes PG Programmes Professional Programmes