Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC [CGPA 3.59/4]
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution


1. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA Theory Examination

Every semester, two centralized Internal Examination and one model Examination for each paper are conducted. Each paper carries maximum mark of 75 or its equivalent percentage as maximum marks. The sum of marks obtained in the examinations (Best of one Internal Exam and Model Exam) are divided in accordance with the marks for examination component of CIA of a paper.

Internal mark of Internal Examinations
Marks in % Grade Awarded Marks
81 - 100 A 5
61 - 80 B 4
41 - 60 C 3
21 - 40 D 2
Below 20 E 1
Internal mark of Model Examination
Marks in % Grade Awarded Marks
91 - 100 A+ 10
81 - 90 A 9
71 - 80 B+ 8
61 - 70 B 7
51 - 60 C+ 6
41 - 50 C 5
31 - 40 D+ 4
21 - 30 D 3
Below 20 E 2
2. Assignment / Seminar

Two assignments / seminars for each paper must be submitted / presented by a student in each semester. The marks allotted to this component will be awarded based on performance of the candidate.

Assignment or Seminar 1 Obtained mark/100*5
Assignment or Seminar 2
3. Marks for Attendance (Common for both Theory and Practical)

Every student should earn a minimum attendance of 75% to become eligible to appear for End-of-Semester Examinations. The 5 marks allotted to this component under CIA of theory and practical will be awarded as given below.

Attendance Percentage Marks awarded
<75% 2
76% - 80% 3
81% - 85% 3.5
86% - 90% 4
91% - 95% 4.5
96% - 100% 5
4. CIA Practical Examination

CIA marks for Practical examination are awarded based on the performance of students in CIA practical exam, Observation notebook, regularity and attendance. For each semester practical, student should write one model practical exam.

5. End of Semester Examinations (ESE)

A semester consists of a minimum of 90 working days. The passing minimum percentage to each subject / course is 40% in ESE and 40% in aggregate, i.e., CIA + ESE under UG programme. The passing minimum percentage to each subject / course under PG programme is 50% in ESE and 50% in aggregate, i.e., CIA + ESE.

6. Examinations and Pattern of Evaluation

All comprehensive examinations (Theory and practical) shall be conducted twice a year, in November/December and in April/May. Students having a minimum of 75% of attendance in theory / practical will be permitted to appear for comprehensive examinations in any semester. Students shall be permitted to appear for the practical examinations only with the submission of bonaļ¬de records. Time-table for examination is displayed well in advance and Hall Tickets are issued to the students who are eligible.

7. Issuing of hall ticket

The student should submit the no due form before collecting their hall tickets from the concern class tutors/ Head. The hall ticket shall comprise the following information such as the Register number of the candidate, Name of the candidate, Programme and Branch and subject details for which the candidate is appearing for the examination. The students need to clear all the dues from finance section, library and concern subject teachers.