Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC [CGPA 3.59/4]
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Women Cell

Making Fairness through Fearless

Women cell of Nilgiri college was established in the year 2017 with a view to enhance the self- esteem end self - confidence, promote intellectual and cultural activities, develop personality and critical thinking, to enable women to make informed choices in areas like education, employment and reproductive health, understanding of issues related to women and empowering women’s of Nilgiri college in all areas. It also aims in empowering women to become the leaders of the society who raise voice against women violence, exploitation in household as well as in work place, dowry prohibition and other social atrocities. The Cell tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college. It focuses to create awareness about Human rights; women and child rights are the major areas were women cell focus.

The functions of the cell are to purely safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members of women. The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students & staff about Woman Grievances at the college. Complaint Procedure and redresal mechanism is in the way that Students report their grievance to the class mentor. After knowing grievance of students, class Mentor discusses it with the HOD and women cell members, and then an appropriate solution is found out. If not solved at this level then grievance is taken up to the Principal and legal advisor. The complainant shall be summoned to hear complaints (if necessary). After hearing of complaints, the committee shall take appropriate decision.

The Objectives
Empowering Women
  • To create social awareness about the problems of women and in particular regarding gender discrimination.
  • To develop the self confidence of Women.
  • To assert the importance of spiritual, economic, social, racial and gender equality.
  • To directs Women’s role in the society. To develop multidisciplinary approach for the overall personality development.
  • To organize seminars, workshops relating to women development.
  • To prevent sexual harassment and to promote general well-being of female students, teaching and non teaching women staff of the College.
  • To safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members.
  • To provide a platform for listening to complaints women students, staff and redressal of grievances.
  • To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college.
  • To ensure personality along with academic development of students.
  • To foster decision making ability
  • To realize role of women in building up of a healthy society
Coordinators Details

Ms. Indira Mohan Babu
Special Advisory Member

Ms. Vanitha Dorai
Special Advisory Member

Ms. Ashmina Rashid
Special Advisory Member

Bincy AP
Joint coordinator

Princy TD

Leema Thomas


Student Coordinator  

Class Wise Student Representatives
Sl No Class Name
1 III BCA Anna Hephzibha
2 III BSC CS Shabna
3 III BA Preethi
6 III B COM Aleena
7 II BA Muhsina
9 II BSC CS Hasna
10 II BCA Aleena
11 II BCOM CA Sandhya
12 II BCOM Kousalya
13 II MSC CS Muhsina
14 II MCOM CA Anjup.p
15 I BCA Henna
16 I BSC CS Rehmathrafka
17 I BA Minnususan
18 I BSC MATHS Sherin Shahana
19 I B COM C A Preetha
20 I B COM Preethika
21 I BBA Kavya