Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Accredited with A++ grade by NAAC [CGPA 3.59/4]
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
UGC 2 (f) & 12 (B) Recognised, An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Code of Ethics

Nilgiri College of Arts and Science has taken a number of measures to promote productivity and intellectual output in academic writing and maintain ethical research practices. The guidelines of the procedures has to be abide by the students and teachers for their excellence in research by the following:

  • An undertaking by the student of their project/ dissertation/ assignment submitted for assessment is bonafide is a normal code of ethics in research.
  • All research and academic works of the students, such as assignments, project reports, dissertations, should be free from Plagiarism.
  • The supervising faculty have to check and verify that the submitted assignments are free from Plagiarism before issuing the certificate to the student.
  • To ensure the authenticity of the projects/theses /dissertations submitted, the students and faculty members may use the Plagiarism Checker software available in the library.
  • Research Promotion Council arranges awareness and sensitization programmes on Plagiarism for the students and faculties